Antique Mexican , very large, Folding Curved Fighting Knife or Saca Tripas with Horn Handle

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Antique Mexican , very large, Folding Curved Fighting Knife or Saca Tripas with Horn Handle


Handmade - Mexico end 1920s

Signed - 420 carbon steel blade


Size: 14 cm closed

Size: 25 cm open


Unique hard to find pocket Saca Tripa folding knife from Mexico. Horn handle. Not restored left in antique original condition with much Patina Originality nice rare piece for the collection.


The Mexican tranchete or sacas tripas usually measures 15 to 35 cm in blade and is called a gut cutter because it is usually held in a half-circle cut with the wrist. It is used for agricultural work. It possibly originated in Aguascalientes during the French invasion and spread to all of Mexico during the Mexican Revolution.