Antique, Mexican retablo ,Saint Stanisław Kostka. (28 October 1550 – 15 August 1568)

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Antique, Mexican retablo ,Saint Stanisław Kostka. (28 October 1550 – 15 August 1568)

1900s-1920s, Mexican School. Oil on tin. Unsigned with original wood frame.

Size : 24 cm L x 19 cm W
Size : with frame 32 cm L x 26 cm W

Condition: painting excellent, some small imperfections on the frame.

Saint Stanisław Kostka. (28 October 1550 – 15 August 1568) was a Polish novice in the Society of Jesus.

The Holy See ratified his beatification in 1605; he was canonized in 1726. St. Stanislaus is a popular saint of Poland, and many religious institutions have chosen him as the protector of their novitiates. The representations of him in art are quite varied; he is sometimes depicted receiving Holy Communion from the hands of angels, or receiving the Infant Jesus from the hands of the Virgin, or in the midst of a battle putting to flight the enemies of his country. At times he is depicted near a fountain putting a wet linen cloth on his breast. He is invoked for palpitations of the heart and for dangerous cases of illness.
On 15 August 2018 Pope Francis wrote to the Bishop of Płock in honor of the 450th anniversary of Stanislaus’s death. In his message, Pope Francis cites a maxim of Stanislaus’s: “Ad maiora natus sum – ‘I was born for greater things’”.